Friday 29 May 2015

Orakei Marae Teacher Only Day

Great day at Orakei Marae today. Learnt a new school song, heard from some great people talking about history and protocol and Maori carving. Got to have some great laughs and learn new things about colleagues. Ka Pai!!

Sunday 17 May 2015


There is nothing quite like seeing the enthusiasm and deep thinking that comes from an easily put together, yet thought provoking display. A classroom is a place of wonder and excitement and this display seems to have supported just that.
After the initial 'tuning in' stage around ANZAC day and its importance to us as New Zealanders, my students have continued to question what happened back then as well as what this means to us now and in the future. Not only have they begun to ask much deeper questions, I have seen their confidence grow as they share stories passed on to them from their parents and grandparents.
Watch this space!!